
Cornerstone Housing for Women has moved it's emergency shelter on O’Connor Street to Carling Ave. We are now the largest women and gender-diverse people's shelter in Ottawa, increasing our shelter capacity by 145% from 61 beds to 150 beds. The new shelter space will also have an additional 15 beds designated as overflow shelter spaces to be used in the event other women’s shelters in the city are full.

The new space allows Cornerstone to meet the growing demand for shelter services for women and gender-diverse adults experiencing homelessness in Ottawa. Existing services such as case management, housing support, counselling, health care, harm reduction, food, laundry, and more will continue to operate in the new shelter with a vastly increased capacity.

“Every day, I get calls from women asking if we have room and it breaks my heart to tell them ‘no’. It furthers their belief that they are not seen, heard, or valued. With this new shelter location, Cornerstone will be able to meet the increasing demand for women’s shelter services. Here, more women and gender-diverse people will be able to heal, access essential healthcare and social services, and ultimately find housing” says Shannon Miller, associate director of shelter services at Cornerstone Housing for Women.

Cornerstone has to raise $1.5 million each year to operate our emergency shelter and supportive housing residences. Your donation will give a woman a safe place to stay, warm meals, hope, and housing.

Thank you for your commitment to ending homelessness in our city.

Your kindness today will send a powerful message to women on the journey to healing and independence. It says: You are important, you are valuable – and I’m standing with you, no matter what.

Donate By Mail

To make a donation by mail, please fill out this form and mail to:

Attention: Amber Bramer, Cornerstone Housing for Women
314 Booth Street,
Ottawa, ON, K1R 7K2

By choosing a monthly gift, you are authorizing the storing of your credit card account number for the processing of a monthly donation on the date and amount specified. To cancel your recurring/monthly gift please call (613) 254-6584 ext. 514 or email

Donor Bill of Rights
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